Deadly Mistake # 3: They Think That Women Are Delicate And Should To Be
Treated Like Fragile Objects In The Bedroom
This is a mistake that just about frustrates women to distraction. No woman
wants a wimpy, wussy guy who delicately try’s to softly make-love to her and
in the process bores her to death.
No, no, no… Women want their man to give them Orgasms.
And lots of them…
Frequent, Powerful, Knee-trembling Orgasms. The kind of orgasms that put a
Smile on her face for days to come.
In general, it is true that women, and your woman, will be smaller than you
and physically weaker than you. However, this doesn’t mean that she wants
you to act weak and small when you are in the bedroom with you.
Instead, your woman wants you to lead her through the sexual experiences
that she shares with you. And more specifically, she wants you to lead her
through multiple orgasms. The kind that blow her mind.
After-all, she’s in bed with YOU, so she wants the sex with you to be great.
What I’m about to say next applies MOST of the time. Notice that I say most of
the time and not all the time. (There are exceptions to every rule).
With that said, it’s my experience;
In my own personal life…
The experience of my male friends who are good with women…
The experience of most of the women that I have been with…
And the experience of most of the highly sexual women that I have discussed
these issues with, that:
- Women like to be fucked and fucked hard
- They want their man to LEAD them in the bedroom
- They want to cum for their man and cum a lot
“The Deadly Mistakes That Men Make In The Bedroom” by Fitness Solution Nigeria Services
- They want you to slap their ass, grab their hair, restrain them a little and
generally be “manly”
- They want their man to be dominate and in control
- They want their man to be confident
So, I’m sure you can now see why most women are frustrated by their man.
Most men just don’t get it. They big themselves up to their mates and brag
about their (made up) exploits, but then they get with their woman and they
don’t know how to treat her.
This is why the Bad Boy/ Jerk type of guy is semi-successful with women. He
knows how to treat a woman in the bedroom. He leads her, fucks her hard,
and gives her the orgasms she craves, slaps her ass, dominates her and displays
a lot of confidence. He makes her addicted to the sex.
And you should aim to do the same with your women.
Just don’t do the weak things that the Bad Body/ Jerks does; such as lie to his
woman, cheat on her and play mind games with her. Women don’t deserve
this and this is why the Bad Boy/ Jerk, (for all his sexual game), can’t keep a
high value woman in the long run.
You see, he just doesn’t have the game OUTSIDE of the bedroom that is
required to keep a high value woman with him for the long-term.
The bottom line is this: be a man in the bedroom and know that if you are a
little rough your woman she is not going to break. She’s probably going to
thank you for it. And tell her friends about how great you are in bed.
“The Deadly Mistakes That Men Make In The Bedroom” by Fitness Solution Nigeria Services
Deadly Mistake # 4: T hey Do n’t Talk Dirty To Their Woman
This one possibly puzzles me the most. I know some guys who are ruthless at
picking women up and sleeping with them. They do it every time they go out to
the bars and clubs. And yet, a lot of these guys are mediocre in bed.
I know this (not because I’ve watched them) but because when I talk to them
about Talking Dirty to their woman, they go all shy and say they don’t like to do
It’s my experience that most men make a mess of dirty talk for one of two
- They make the woman laugh when they try to talk dirty
- They insult/offend her by what they say or the context within which they
say it
Both of these are huge mistakes, but so is not talking dirty.
Talking dirty will turn your woman on so much you will not believe it.
Remember, sex is nearly entirely mental for a woman. So… if you fail to talk
dirty, you fail to stimulate her most important sex organ: her brain!
To talk dirty you have to pay attention to your voice. Your voice tone is
particularly important. Try to make your voice deep and meaningful. No
woman wants a man with a high pitched, whining voice trying to talk dirty in
her ear.
So, you must work on your voice.
Then comes the issue of what to say. Well, if you’ve never talked dirty to her
before, start out with the more vanilla stuff and progress to the hard-core stuff
over time.
When you’re fucking your woman, simply saying:
“Oh Baby, I love to be inside you”,
Can be extremely exciting for her to hear.
When things progress and you get really good at dirty talk you may be fucking
your girl from behind and say:
“The Deadly Mistakes That Men Make In The Bedroom” by Fitness Solution Nigeria Services
“Baby, I love to fuck you like my naughty little slut”
Notice the use of the word “my”. This is very important. You never ever want
to call your woman a slut, but when you have a deep emotional connection
with her and she trusts and respects you; calling her “your little slut” can be
very exciting for her.
Dirty Talk will take your sex life to another level and you will satisfy your
woman in a way that she loves. It takes balls to talk dirty and that’s why only
the best men ever do it. The wimps “chicken out” and remain mediocre lovers.
Take your pick. Do you want to be a wimp or a real man? If you want to be a
REAL man… you simply have to TALK DIRTY to your woman.
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