Tuesday 17 June 2014


Have you ever wondered once or twice or more, how tight your vagina was, or whether your vagina has a bad smell? If you're married or sexually active, you probably want to know how to take better care of your vagina. It will definitely be on your mind when you want to do the do or it's time for your partner to go 'down'. I also talked about Vaginal Yeast Infection and Best Herbal Cure For Candida To Reduce Vaginal Itching. Read post to stop itching here. About how to keep away the bad vagina smells, bear in mind that all vaginas have their own natural smell, maybe I should say scent. That unique scent can be an aphrodisiac for your partner, but when your vagina starts smelling too fishy, there's something fishy. You need to get rid of that smell from the inside out, and from the outside in. Below are the top 10 tips I found. 1. Eat a good quantity of citrus fruits like Oranges and Lemons 2. I don't know what Indian Gooseberry is but it's supposed to help for OK vaginal odor 3. Add fresh yoghurt to your diet 4. Garlic is your friend, as it helps keep away bacterial infections 5. Tea Tree Oil is mentioned too, I've never used it. I know it's great for hair too. 6. Drink lots of water, of course. 7. Use water every time you use a toilet, a wipe may be better than tissue paper. Avoid using douches. Wash your vagina with unscented soap or simple feminine wash for the external area only. 8. Keep the vaginal area clean and dry also keep your pubic hair short. 9. Choose cotton underwears or those with cotton in the vagina area. Or go commando, that is, without undies at all. 10. During your period, change your sanitary pads or tampons frequently and use panty liners during your ovulation. I would love to hear your own ideas of getting rid of vaginal odor. Please leave a comment below. AUTHORS; DOLAPO OKERAYI(DOLLY OK), KOLADE KADESHPRINCE(KKP)

Saturday 5 April 2014


10 Ways Kids Ruin Your Sex Life Before Your daughter was born, you and your patner had an awesome sex life. you were skinny and wore lingerie. He was energetic and attentive. Now that you are parents,you are pretty much like roommates who share a bed unless one of us is snoring. I know it’s typical to have a dry spell during the little kid years Here’s why: 1. I’m Crazy Tired I never get enough sleep, and I always go to bed feeling like I just ran a marathon, only without the sense of accomplishment. And knowing I’ll have to rise at 6 a.m. the next morning is a real cock-a-doodle-don’t. 2. We Flirt Less We used to send each other saucy texts, like, “What are you wearing?” Now I write, “The deposit is due for preschool,” and he texts, “Did she take a nap today?” We’re so busy being responsible grown-ups that we forget how much fun it was to act like love-struck teens. 3. I’m Feeling Frumpy Pre-baby I wore makeup, dressed cute (easy when I had a waistline), and spent an obscene amount on my hair and nails. Now I’m the pajama queen, and all my splurges are on organic produce. I’m a prime candidate for a TV makeover show. Tell a friend. 4. I’m All Cuddled Out When I was nursing, my body belonged to my daughter. I had my sore/leaky/tired boobs cordoned off with a velvet rope—tiny VIPs only. Even though my kid weaned and eats cheeseburgers now, I still do plenty of carrying, cuddling, boo-boo kissing and occasional co-sleeping. By the end of the day, my body is usually looking for some space. I’m trying to remember whether I ran the dishwasher. 5. Me-Time Is for Me If I have a rare 20 minutes to myself, I can think of a dozen things that would take precedence over sex; like reading magazines, taking a bath or eating a cookie. Obviously, none of these activities holds a candle to good lovin’, but they’re instantly gratifying and require little effort or cleanup. 6. My Head’s Not in the Game Like any mom, my to-do list is never-ending, and somehow it’s also much louder than my libido. Instead of concentrating on his kisses, I’m trying to remember whether I ran the dishwasher and where I put the phone number for the pediatric dentist. If I could find a way to talk dirty about chores, I might be able to kill two birds with one stone. 7. The Very Real Risk of Coitus Interrupt us You know what I’m talking about: Just when you’re “close,” the baby starts wailing. Or the toddler barges in. Or the newly licensed teenager hits the garage with the car. Kids are such cockblocks, right? Our child is sleeping through the night but often wakes shrieking from a bad dream. It’s hard to lose myself in the moment when I know how quickly the moment could be over. 8. I’m Stressed He’ll shoot me that cute, “Want to?” look and I’ll be like, “I can’t right now, I’m busy panicking about child predators.” Becoming a mom has turned me into such a worrywart. I even worry about the consequences of us not having enough sex, but I’m too anxious to do anything about it. 9. Our Bedroom Is More Like a Rec Room Experts say the bedroom should be reserved for sex and sleep only. Tell that to the piles of laundry, stacks of board books and noisy toys that moved in once our daughter arrived. What’s worse is that all our old sex props—scented candles, groovy music, massage oil—somehow got lost in the shuffle. During a recent attempt, the best we were able to muster was the R&B cable TV station, and it was distractingly cheesy. 10. We’re Trying to Make Another Baby When we do have sex, it’s often because I’m ovulating. Sex on-demand can be pretty good the first night (oh, sex, I remember you, I like you) but by the third at-bat, we’re both complaining we have a headache. The irony is that if I do get pregnant, it’s going to be even longer before our sex life gets back on track.


If you’re looking for Mr. Right, you may have to kiss a couple of frogs until you’ll meet that perfect guy that will truly deserve you, because you should know that there are actually a few types of men who will never marry you, no matter what you would do. That’s just the way they are at the moment. Some may change and some will not. But, after all, it’s not your duty to wait for them until they are ready to take that big step and marry you. You should definitely avoid these types of men who will never marry you, because you’ll only waste your time since none of these guys will seal the deal with you. 1. Mr. “Not Ready for a Serious Relationship Yet” In my opinion, this is one of the most common types of men who will never marry you. He likes to date a lot and when things become too serious, he gets scared and simply leaves, telling you that he’s not ready for a serious relationship yet. Well, maybe he will never be. There’s no point in trying to change him or show him that you are perfect for him. You’ll only look desperate and you’ll waste all your energy chasing a man that tries to avoid commitm 2. Mr. “Not over His Ex” This is definitely the type of guy you should avoid if you’re looking for Mr. Right. This man is still hung up on his ex-girlfriend even if he won’t admit it. He always talks about her, about her hobbies, interests or even about the things they did together. This man still needs some time to heal before starting to date again, so he's definitely not ready to marry you. 3. Mr. “Too Focused on His Career” This guy still tries to figure out what he wants to do in his career and he’s always focused on everything related to his job. He never has enough time for the two of you and his work always comes first. Samantha Daniels, a well-known professional matchmaker and relationship expert, said that “Men need to be settled in their careers or at least know which direction they are headed on the career front before they can settle down.” I couldn’t agree more! 4. Mr. “Always Looking for a Bigger Better Deal” With this man you’ll feel absolutely amazing, except that he will never be ready to commit to you. That's because, sadly, he will always look for someone he thinks might be better for him, even though what you two have is wonderful. He will always keep his options open, wondering if he will find a better version of you somewhere in this world. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be with someone who will never think that you’re good enough for him. 5. Mr. “I Always Hang Out with Kids Half My Age” This is the man who is in his late 40s, who has an impressive career (usually he is an executive of some sort) and while all his childhood friends are married and settled down, he always hangs out with kids half his age. He’s always going clubbing and partying, looking to pick up younger girls. The thing is that he is also lying to himself because when a 20-year-old lady goes out on a date with him, it’s not because she finds him so interesting or attractive; it’s often because of his money. 6. Mr. “I Haven’t Found The Right One” This type of man is usually over 50 and has never been married before because he always says he never found the right lady. Well, you should start to ask yourself some questions, because if he hasn’t found the perfect match among the hundreds of girls he has dated before, why would you be the right one to marry him? Try to be cautious and protect your feelings! 7. Mr. “I Only Care about My Kids” This guy has won your love by showing what a great father he is and has really impressed you by how much he loves his children. You really admire him for all the sacrifices he makes in order to see his kids happy and you think that he might be the perfect guy for you. Don’t get me wrong! There’s nothing wrong with a responsible father. But when this man focuses too much on his children and never has enough time for you or your relationship, you should start asking yourself if he will ever find a place for you in his heart or in his life. In my opinion, these were the most significant types of men who will never marry you, no matter what you do. I’m sure my list is incomplete though, so I’ll need you to give me a hand. What other types of men would you add to this list? Do tell! AUTHORS DOLAPO OKERAYI KOLADE KADESHPRINCE


If you are in a relationship for very long, you will have to learn to compromise with your partner. Compromise is an important part of any relationship. It can help you to overcome obstacles and restore closeness again. These 7 steps can help you to reach compromise with your partner. 1. Define The True Issue If you want to find compromise with your partner, first you have to define the true issue. This means that you sift through the disagreement to see what is really at the heart of it. Don’t let yourselves get distracted by letting other issues get pulled in. Stick to the true issue. If you can figure out what that is, you are at a good starting point. 2. Listen to One Another Sometimes, during a disagreement, we are so sure that we are correct that we don’t hear one another. We are only thinking about ourselves and how right we are. If you want to reach a compromise with your partner, you need to listen to each other. Try to see their point of view and where they are coming from. You don’t have to agree but you do need to listen. 3. Be Empathetic If you can reach the point where you can listen to one another and try to understand each other’s point of view, you will be much more likely to reach a compromise. Try to understand your partner’s feelings. You still don’t have to see things their way but try to understand why they feel like they do. Empathy will bring you many steps closer to compromise. It will put you many steps in the right direction. 4. State What You Each Want After you define the issue and try to understand each other’s thoughts and feelings, you need to do this step. State what you each want. What would make you happy out of the situation you are disagreeing over? It is important to think about what you need to be okay with the circumstances you are in. Both of your feelings matter here. 5. Suggest Possible Compromises After you each state what you want, you need to start moving toward one another. You are both going to have to give a little. That is what compromise truly is. Both parties have a different desired outcome and will try to find a new outcome that gives each party a portion of what they want. Think about how you can give on your side. Suggest different options for both of you to give on. 6. Be Willing to Bend a Little You have to be willing to bend a little. This is the hard part. It means that both of you are not going to get exactly what you want. But you can each get a portion of what you want when you bend a little. You want to bend and make sure that your partner is too. You might even take turns suggesting how you will bend to try to meet in the middle until you find common ground. 7. Tweak It It is important to realize that a compromise is a working agreement. It will probably have to be tweaked from time to time. It is good to keep in mind that it is not something solid. It can also be reassuring to remember that you can revisit this issue as needed. You will eventually get the issue to the point of a compromise you are both happy with if you keep lines of communication open. These are 7 important steps you need to take when you are working toward a compromise. Compromises can help you through difficult patches in your relationship when you cannot reach agreement any other way. Have you been through situations in your relationship where compromise was the answer? AUTHORS: DOLAPO OKERAYI KOLADE KADESHPRINCE

Thursday 13 February 2014


This Valentine's Day, don't limit your love to roses and candy alone Many fixate on Valentine’s Day as the holiday of love, a day set apart for grand gestures, romance and celebratory levels of affection. But why does such attention and kindness have to be reserved for a day, or even for one person? Friendly, familiar and romantic love are each distinct and central elements of the human experience. Anyone who has ever been truly loved well will tell you that it’s the constancy of patient, kind and selfless friendship that keeps love exciting and meaningful. Whether it’s the small notes dads put into lunch boxes, the carefully completed “honey do” list or the quiet whisper of “I love you” before drifting into sleep, our love for one another is built of a million imperfect but intentionally placed stones. Still, we often forget to show the ones we love how important they are to us. So here are ways to say “I love you” to those special someones in your life—one per day for the month of February. Some are serious; others, not so much. But perhaps these tips could get you thinking about 365 ways—or more—to be an ambassador of appreciation. Our love for one another is built of a million imperfect but intentionally placed stones. 1. Share five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact. Creepy ... but definitely a memory. 2. Watch a sunset or sunrise together with your favorite indie-rock anthem playing in the background and pretend you’re in a slightly obvious hipster film. 3. Call your parents and thank them for specific things they’ve done for you. 4. Pick out a book and read aloud together. Quality time together and the expansion of your individual/collective knowledge bases. 5. Set up a “media free” day/evening so you can fully focus attention on a loved one. 6. Get fancy. It’s a classic, but dressing up and splurging on a friend or loved one is a timeless way to tell someone you care. 7. "Family Love Michael." Throw a surprise “We appreciate you!” party with close friends where everyone gives a short speech about why someone is loved. 8. Plan “the perfect date.” Do exactly what he or she loves to do, with no strings attached. 9. Rent an ice-skating rink. Play “Endless Love” over the PA, and have dinner at center ice. 10. Revisit a first date or first meeting place and reminisce about what brought you together, what you’ve learned since and what you’re looking forward to together. AUTHORS: KOLADE KADESHPRINCE : DOLAPO OKERAYI

Tuesday 28 January 2014


You and your guy have a good bedroom groove going -- some days are sweet, some are sweaty, some days you maybe even leave a few dents in the wall with all your headboard banging. But no matter how satisfied you are, you probably wouldn't pass up the chance to kick things up a notch. Try these tiny little tricks that just might transform your sex life. (Yep, it's that easy!)

Sex move 11Find a new angle

"In order to orgasm from oral sex, you need him to use consistent, steady strokes.The easiest way for him to do that is by licking up and down." But you're more likely to orgasm when his tongue is running across your clitoris. The solution: Have him situate himself perpendicular to you (in a "T" shape), lying on his side. He'll be able to work his tongue more easily, at an angle that's optimal for your pleasure.

Sex move 12Buzz away

Put a spin on oral sex by getting a third party in on the action - a sex toy.. "While he's pleasuring you, have him lay a vibrating bullet against his cheek,It creates a hum that's not too intense, thanks to the buffering effect of his skin." Of course, this move also works equally well when you do it for him, so be generous and give back.

Sex move 13Work your muscles

You can put an extra-special twist on intercourse just by clenching your pubococcygeus muscle (the same muscle you use to stop and start the flow when you're peeing). "As he enters you, squeeze the muscle tight around him and then let go as more of his length moves in, "Squeeze again as he pulls almost out. Then repeat with each thrust." This creates a tight pressure around his penis, as though you're massaging it. The benefit for you: Your clenching motion creates pleasurable tension in your G spot and clitoris, making orgasm easier to achieve - and more explosive.

Sex move 14Don't take it all off

Who doesn't love getting naked? Still, there's something so primal about clothes-on sex. While wearing a skirt or dress, get on the edge of the bed on your hands and knees. He unzips his pants, lifts your skirt, and has his way with you. "It's a spontaneous, must-have-you-now move.

Sex move 15Anchor him

Try this hands-on approach to increasing sensation for him during intercourse: Form a ring with two fingers and your thumb and gently hold down the skin at the base of his penis. "Pulling his loose skin taut brings the nerve endings closer to the surface, making him more sensitive.

Sex move 16Get on your feet

Here's another way to make you-on-top more interesting: Squat over your man rather than straddling him. "By supporting yourself on your feet, you get better ease of motion,You can bounce higher and have more control of your movements, so your pleasure is intensified, and he can go in deeper, creating new sensations on the tip and around the base."

Sex move 17Tighten up (or loosen up)

There are a million ways to adjust to achieve the perfect, er, fit. "If you want more friction during missionary, slide your legs together so that they're between his, "You'll have to start out with your legs flat on the bed, outside of his." For deeper penetration, spread your legs wider with your knees up.

Sex move 18Give a tug

When it comes to his below-the-belt area, you're probably more focused on the star than the supporting players. But you can make sex a heightened experience for him by stroking his testicles. "Softly massaging the area increases blood flow to his pelvic region, increasing his arousal and sensitivity. "Then, as he's about to orgasm, gently tug on the loose skin around the 'boys' to amplify his big finish."

Sex move 19Grab hold

Call him your prisoner of love and he'll laugh. But pin him to the bed and he'll know you mean business. "You can take a fun and playful approach to the whole domination thing by pinning his hands down while you're on top.It's a delicious tease because all he wants to do is touch you, and you're not allowing it. Of course, if you'd prefer that he take control, just ask!

Sex move 20Go neck and neck

You already know that your man's neck is a sensitive spot - his little shivers and moans when you nibble at his throat should clue you in. Still, there are a few nooks that will elicit even more of a "yowza!" reaction. "The line that runs from behind his ear down to the crook where his neck meets his shoulder is especially sensitive,You can lightly kiss other lesser-known hot spots as well, like along his jawbone and even the back of his neck.

Sex move 21Tickle him

He may think he's seen every trick in the book, but show him you're still full of surprises with this oral sex move: While down south, slip your finger into your mouth and stroke him. "The unexpected texture makes it a pleasurable treat for him. The creativity alone will give him a rush since it's something he's probably never experienced before.

                   :KOLADE KADESHPRINCE

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